A note about this blog:

I tried to publish photos of my trip as I went. The trip is done but I am still working on sifting through the thousands of photos I took so I can go back and put up photos from almost every day (my trip went until Dec 22). I will also be going back to photos I already posted and adding explanatory text. So, this photo journal will be filling out in the days and weeks to come as I can find time between school. Please come back often to see what's new!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 43 - Dec 2

On December 2, 2009, my best friend, Molly Rose, began  her LDS mission to Teresina, Brazil. To honor and celebrate her one year mark, I decided to run across an entire country, the Kingdom of Bahrain. I started my run on the west coast in the town of Zallaq. I ran past the University of Bahrain, around the palace of Sheik Hamad al-Khalifa, then used the trusty compass I've had since I was 12 years old, to cross the desert directly east to the coastal town of Askar. I had to hurdle several petroleum pipes along the way. I tripped on one, landing on my face! One of the most challenging runs I have ever done. Congratulations Molly Rose!

My new Bahraini friend, Mohamed, driving me to the start and questioning my silly desire to run across an entire country. "What's the point?"
Mohamed and a young boy fishing in Zallaq.

This is what the desert across the middle of the country looks like. I ran toward those distant hills. (photo taken Nov. 15, 2010).

I ran in a strait line across the desert and through town and ended directly at this dock in Askar.

Stupid is as stupid does!

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